Jason Wu Spring 2009


Designer Jason Wu’s name enjoyed a decidedly sharp spike in search popularity this week. The young clothier had the immaculate privilege of dressing our new First Lady, Michelle Obama for her night of the many inauguration balls.

I wonder how many department stores just placed (or upped) their orders for Wu’s fresh and flowy Spring ’09 offerings. Luckily, the line is plenty deserving and scores an impressive 8/10. Here’s a few Cult picks:

Jason Wu Spring '09

Jason Wu Spring '09

Jason Wu Spring '09

Jason Wu Spring '09

Jason Wu Spring '09

Jason Wu Spring '09

Designer Jason Wu Spring

Mrs. Obama’s choice of Wu for what must of been a magical evening is right on target with her record for style that’s is somehow classic and modern all at once, just like she did on her birthday during the pre-inaugural Whistle Stop Tour:

And again in a Tracy Feith dress the day after the inauguration at the National Prayer Service:

Michelle Obama in Tracy Feith

Ehem… this article is about Jason Wu… but who can resist the yummy voyeurism that are “behind the scenes” photos. Lovely:

Mrs. Obama keeping warm in the President's jacket while riding on a freight elevator.

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One Response to “Jason Wu Spring 2009”

  1. […] in fashion illustration by high Priestess on February 4th, 2009 Though relatively nubile designer Jason Wu won the honor of having First Lady Michelle Obama wear his work on inauguration night, many designers were […]

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